Announcing the next artist drop- Hekathena come back with 3 excellent artworks

2 min readFeb 5, 2023


We are pleased to announce our next artist drop featuring 3 excellent artworks by Hekathena. Staking open @4:00 AM on Feb 9th (UTC).

New drops mechanism

  1. Stake up to 5 $Meme3 to earn pineapples, at a rate of 1 pineapple per day for 1 token staked
  2. Redeem artworks using pineapples and pay a minting fee to support artists, each successful minting will burn an amount of $Pina($Pina comes from the dontdiememe pool)
  3. You can choose to burn the NFT to redeem the burnt $Pina

Drop details:

“A lone soul lost in the colorful void. The timeline is gone. Extinct feelings. But even a void has its gap. That’s why she needs a sword. Never-ending cycle. Processing….

P.S. Smells like summer” — Hekathena

  1. “Observe”

Editions: 15

Mint Fee: 15 pineapples + 0.02 eth

Redeemable: 60 $Pina

2. “Obtain”

Editions: 10

Mint Fee: 30 pineapples + 0.03 eth

Redeemable: 90 $Pina

3. “Action”

Editions: 5

Mint Fee: 45 pineapples + 0.1 eth

Redeemable: 180 $Pina



DontDieMeme DontDieMeme is a community driven $MEME platform that you can stake $MEME and farm exclusive free NFTs